Rapid Tools for an AFP Manufacturing Defects Assessment Framework


Luis Bahamonde Jacome, Mazen Albazzan, Pierre Chevalier, Zafer Gürdal, Brian Tatting, Ramy Harik


SAMPE Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, US.


USAABSTRACT This work formulates an automated fiber placement (AFP)defects assessment framework. Such framework assumes AFP manufacturing processes are able to identify manufacturing defects via automated inspection system sand intends to provide rapid analysis tools to create a defect assessment loop. The defect assessment loop defines an automated analysis process during AFP manufacturing to minimize the number of manual repairs on the part, thus accelerating AFP manufacturing of composite structures. This defects assessment loop advantages automated inspection data to evaluate the influence of encountered AFP defects on a ply-by-ply basis. Structural evaluation is based on strength criteria using local-global finite element models. Local models affect the global part model via material property reductions. Schemes to reduce material properties using the local models are the main enablers of this framework’s automated assessment capability. Finally, we discuss the main technical challenges to realize the feasibility of this framework.


Luis Bahamon de Jacome, Mazen Albazzan, Pierre Chevalier, Zafer Gürdal, Brian Tatting, & Ramy Harik. (May 2018). Rapid Tools for an AFP Manufacturing Defects Assessment Framework. SAMPE Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, US.

Link: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20200002542