New and Emerging X Technologies

Build Orientation Determination for Multi-Material Deposition Additive Manufacturing with Continuous Fibers


Yicha Zhang, Wout De Backer, Ramy Harik, Alain Bernard


Procedia Cirp, 50(2016), 414-419.


Build orientation of a part in Additive Manufacturing (AM) has complex effect on part’s quality, process planning, postprocessing, processing time and cost, etc. The identification of the optimal build orientation for a part is one of the main contents of process planning in AM. In this paper, a build orientation optimization strategy is developed for a new AM process, multimaterial deposition with continuous fibers, to improve the part quality while reducing the production time & cost. First, a set of finite alternative build orientations are generated by using surface shape feature with associated rules derived from the specific characteristics and constraints of the new developing AM process; then, a multi-attribute decision making algorithm is applied to determine the optimal orientation according to preset preferences. A case study is presented for demonstration.


build orientation optimization, process planning, continuous fiber, composite additive manufacturing


Yicha Zhang, Wout De Backer, Ramy Harik, & Alain Bernard. (Janvier 2016). Build Orientation Determination for Multi-Material Deposition Additive Manufacturing with Continuous Fibers. Procedia Cirp, 50(2016), 414-419.

