Integrated Robotic 3D Printing System for Printing of Fiber Reinforced Parts


Michel Van Tooren, Zafer Gurdal, Joshua Tarbutton, Ramy Harik


US Patent 10,814,607.


A system for printing a three-dimensional object is provided. The system can include at least one print head configured to receive a continuous fiber and at least partially encase the continuous fiber with a formation material to create a composite material. The at least one print bed can be configured to move in at least six different degrees of freedom. The system can also include at least one print bed comprising a printing surface onto which the composite material may be selectively applied to form a work piece. The at least one print head can be positioned relative to the at least one print bed and configured to advance print media thereon.


Michel van Tooren, Michael Johannes, Zafer Gürdal, Joshua Tarbutton, & Ramy Harik. (October 2020). Integrated Robotic 3d Printing System for Printing of Fiber Reinforced Parts. US Patent 10,814,607.
