Standard Operation Process Applied on Lebanese Dairy SMEs


Maryse Chemali, Jbeil Blat, Ramy F Harik


Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Istanbul, Turkey.


Lean manufacturing is a production practice and a way of thinking. Its aim is to eliminate any non-value added work in a system. Its implementation in “Small Medium Enterprises” (SMEs) has to be altered and twisted in a different manner since one of the problems that SMEs encounter is the lack of formal procedure and regulation. In this paper we are trying to formulate a standardized work operation for the production of white cheeses in the Lebanese Dairy SME community. No Standard Operation Process was documented in order to be distributed to the different dairy owners by the Lebanese Ministry of Industry. Moreover when addressing dairy processing and more specifically cheese making, using traditional recipes, we observe a sequence of integrated and dependent factors that lead to the final quality result of the cheese produced. These factors include the milk’s state, delicacy of the pasteurization stage, and the cheese maker’s consistency in the different steps of the cheese recipe. We will be targeting the cheese makers’ detailed progressive steps. In order to achieve the best Standard Operating Process (SOP), we will benefit from the applications of lean in food industries and incorporating it with its implementation in SMEs. This will be done in compliance to the regulations of dairy processing and with high standards of health and cleanness. This will lead in reduction in the time, effort, and money of the dairy companies that can use these SOP in order to improve their work and manage it in a more efficient way.


lean manufacturing, SME, dairy companies, SOP


Maryse Chemali, Jbeil Blat, & Ramy Harik. (July 2012). Standard Operation Process Applied on Lebanese Dairy SMEs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Istanbul, Turkey.

